years of experience
in soil engineering. We terraform extreme locations into biophilic habitats. Combining modern technology, latest science, and indigenous soil knowledge to transform deserts, contaminated land, and unused places on structures into a green oasis.
Cooling the planet, sequestering carbon, and rebuilding biotic soils from urban waste streams and shaping a natural circular economy.
fields of
Visual Connections with Nature - Biophilic design for:
Ⓐ Urban Woodlands
Ⓑ Urban Agriculture
Ⓒ Green Roofs
Ⓓ Parks, Gardens, and Golf Courses
Ⓔ Street Trees and connecting Green
Ⓕ Green Facades and Green Walls
Ⓖ Water preservation and filtration
Unused, barren land on grade or in ground remote locations are often a result of our ecological ignorance. Such areas are major contributors for the massive environmental challenges we face today and the killing stroke for once vibrant cities and suburban developments. Ultimately, unattractive cities and suburbs lose their population, economic independence and certainly investments.
While terraforming and succession by nature can take ten-thousands of years, we have the experience, science, and technology to create results almost instantly with engineered soils. Because every location is different we provide custom tailored and target oriented soil solutions.
We are the only soil experts in the world that take local conditions, geological backgrounds, indigenous soil knowledge, and the urban waste stream in our consideration. This forms a natural terra profile or soil horizon where life can prosper, biodiversity can increase, and people will reconnect with nature.
We specialize in evaluating the characteristics of the ground or existing substrate on grade and structures to lay the perfect foundation for re-naturalization with living green. This includes examination of existing soil characteristics, composition, and drainage. Additionally we make considerations for future environmental impacts like temperature, acid precipitation, contaminated irrigation water (e.g. salt), and mechanical impact for structural soils.
Additionally we investigate in using locally available materials in nature and from urban waste stream. We understand who these can be modified, refined, or processed to to preform best for the desired purpose.
We are Soil Creators - Healthy Soil is Healthy Life -
Soil is a habitat for a wide variety of life. One quarter of the Earth’s biodiversity (living things) live in soil. This includes things we can see like insects, earthworms and rabbits. It also includes things too small for us to see like bacteria-fungi and other microorganisms – billions of microorganisms! There are more tiny living things in one teaspoon of healthy soil than there are people living on Earth!
Soil organisms break down wastes and recycle the nutrients. Living and active soils sequester Carbon from the air, retain and clean water but also regulate the ambient temperature.
It is possible to source and process local organic materials and give these a second life for a better life.
Engineering soils is all we do.
Literally we are growing from local sources with existing techniques, new processing apparatuses, including high-tech machinery and over 40 years of experience. High-end trainings and consulting services will integrate local experts and laborer from the region.
Crafting soil is creating a healthy, flourishing, local, and sustainable economy.
Below our seven steps of exclusive services:
- General goal or design intent
- On grade or ground remote
- Physical and chemical properties of substrate
- Weather and climate conditions of location
- Indigenous soil knowledge
- Water and energy availability
- Resources from urban waste streams
- Receptivity of locals
- Responsibility of policy makers
- Available natural and manmade resources in proximity
② Evaluation
of resources
PMM = Parent Mineral Material and substances
MMR = Availability and cleanness of mineral material in urban waste stream
OML = Accessibility of organic material present in nature at proximity
OMR = Urban mining of organic substances from existing waste stream
OPA = Natural and mineral stabilizers or enhancements from other regions.
PMM: Thermal or mechanical
MMR: Thermal, mechanical, and synthetically
OML: Thermal, mechanical, and bio-chemically
OMR: Thermal, mechanical and enzymatically
OPA: Selecting
- General goal or design intent
- On grade or ground remote
- Physical and chemical properties of substrate
- Weather and climate conditions of location
- Indigenous soil knowledge
- Water and energy availability
- Resources from urban waste streams
- Receptivity of locals
- Responsibility of policy makers
- Available natural and manmade resources in proximity
⑤ Blending
and mixing
PMM = Parent Mineral Material and substances
MMR = Availability and cleanness of mineral material in urban waste stream
OML = Accessibility of organic material present in nature at proximity
OMR = Urban mining of organic substances from existing waste stream
OPA = Natural and mineral stabilizers or enhancements from other regions.
PMM: Thermal or mechanical
MMR: Thermal, mechanical, and synthetically
OML: Thermal, mechanical, and bio-chemically
OMR: Thermal, mechanical and enzymatically
OPA: Selecting
By ship, truck and air freight
In bulk, blower trucks, super sacks, and bags
Onsite processing on larger projects
Circular economy with local resources
Upcycling of urban waste products
Building a robust ecological and circular economy
Business cases for investors
Hands-on training and handbooks for installers
Guidelines for municipalities and policy makers
Open source supply chain with local players
We make it work for you!
let's be in touch, write us a message.